The Queen's University of Belfast
Parallel Computer Centre

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Appendix A: Intrinsic procedures

Fortran 90 offers many intrinsic function and subroutines, the following lists provide a quick reference to their format and use.

In the following intrinsic function definitions arguments are usually named according to their types (I for integer C for character, etc.), including those detained below. Optional arguments are shown in square brackets [ ], and keywords for the argument names are those given.

KIND - describes the KIND number.

SET - a string containing a set of characters.

BACK - a logical used to determine the direction a string is to be searched.

MASK - a logical array used to identfy those element which are to take part in the desired operation.

DIM - a selected dimension of an argument (an integer).

A.1 Argument presence enquiry

PRESENT( A ) - true if A is present.

A.2 Numeric functions

ABS( A ) - return the absolute value of A.

AIMAG( Z ) - return the imaginary part of complex number Z.

AINT( A [, KIND] ) - returns a value A truncated to a whole number.

ANINT( A [, KIND] ) - returns a value rounded to the nearest value of A.

CEILING( A ) - returns the lowest integer greater than or equal to A.

CMPLX( X [, Y][, KIND] ) - converts A to a complex number.

CONJG( Z ) - returns the conjugate of a complex number.

DBLE( A ) - converts A to a double precision real.

DIM( X, Y ) - returns the maximum of X-Y or 0.

DPROD( X, Y ) - returns a double precision product.

FLOOR( A ) - returns the largest integer less than or equal to A.

INT( A [, KIND] ) - converts to an integer.

MAX( A1, A2 [, A3...] ) - returns the maximum value.

MIN( A1, A2 [, A3...] ) - returns the minimum value.

MOD( A, P ) - returns remainder modulo P i.e. A-INT(A/P)*P.

MODULO( A, P ) - A modulo P.

NINT( A [, KIND] ) - returns the nearest integer to A.

REAL( A [, KIND] ) - converts to a real.

SIGN( A, B ) - returns the absolute value of A times the sign of B.

A.3 Mathematical functions

ACOS( X ) - arccosine.

ASIN( X ) - arcsine.

ATAN( X ) - arctan.

ATAN2( X, Y ) - arctan.

COS( X ) - cosine.

COSH( X ) - hyperbolic cosine.

EXP( X ) - exponential.

LOG( X ) - natural logarithm.

LOG10( X ) - base 10 logarithm.

SIN( X ) - sine.

SINH( X ) - hyperbolic sine.

SQRT( X ) - square root.

TAN( X ) - tan.

TANH( X ) - hyperbolic tan.

A.4 Character functions

ACHAR( I ) - returns the Ith character in the ASCII collating sequence.

ADJUSTL( STRING ) - adjusts string left by removing any leading blanks and inserting trailing blanks.

ADJUSTR( STRING ) - adjusts string right by removing trailing blanks and inserting leading blanks.

CHAR( I [, KIND] ) - returns the Ith character in the machine specific collating sequence.

IACHAR( C ) - returns the position of the character in the ASCII collating sequence.

ICHAR( C ) - returns the position of the character in the machine specific collating sequence.

INDEX( STRING, SUBSTRING [, BACK] ) - returns the leftmost (rightmost if BACK is .TRUE.) starting position of SUBSTRING within STRING.

LEN( STRING ) - returns the length of a string.

LEN_TRIM( STRING ) - returns the length of a string without trailing blanks.

LGE( STRING_A, STRING_B ) - lexically greater than or equal to.

LGT( STRIN_A1, STRING_B ) - lexically greater than.

LLE( STRING_A, STRING_B ) - lexically less than or equal to.

LLT( STRING_A, STRING_B ) - lexically less than.

REPEAT( STRING, NCOPIES ) - repeats concatenation.

SCAN( STRING, SET [, BACK] ) - returns the index of the leftmost (rightmost if BACK is .TRUE.) character of STRING that belong to SET, or 0 if none belong.

TRIM( STRING ) - removes training spaces from a string.

VERIFY( STRING, SET [, BACK] ) - returns zero if all characters in STRING belong to SET or the index of the leftmost (rightmost if BACK is .TRUE.) that does not.

A.5 KIND functions

KIND( X ) - returns the kind type parameter value.

SELECTED_INT_KIND( R ) - kind of type parameter for specified exponent range.

SELECTED_REAL_KIND( [P] [,R] ) - kind of type parameter for specified precision and exponent range.

A.6 Logical functions

LOGICAL( L [, KIND] ) - convert between different logical kinds.

A.7 Numeric enquiry functions

DIGITS( X ) - returns the number of significant digits in the model.

EPSILON( X ) - returns the smallest value such that REAL( 1.0, KIND(X)) + EPSILON(X) is not equal to REAL( 1.0, KIND(X)).

HUGE( X ) - returns the largest number in the model.

MAXEXPONENT( X ) - returns the maximum exponent value in the model.

MINEXPONENT( X ) - returns the minimum exponent value in the model.

PRECISION( X ) - returns the decimal precision.

RADIX( X ) - returns the base of the model.

RANGE( X ) - returns the decimal exponent range.

TINY( X ) - returns the smallest positive number in the model.

A.8 Bit enquiry functions

BIT_SIZE( I ) - returns the number of bits in the model.

A.9 Bit manipulation functions

BTEST( I, POS ) - is .TRUE. if bit POS of integer I has a value 1.

IAND( I, J ) - logical .AND. on the bits of integers I and J.

IBCLR( I, POS ) - clears bit POS of interger I to 0.

IBITS( I, POS, LEN ) - extracts a sequence of bits length LEN from integer I starting at POS

IBSET( I, POS ) - sets bit POS of integer I to 1.

IEOR( I, J ) - performas an exclusive .OR. on the bits of integers I and J.

IOR( I, J ) - performes an inclusive .OR. on the bits of integers I and J.

ISHIFT( I, SHIFT ) - logical shift of the bits.

ISHIFTC( I, SHIFT [, SIZE] ) - logical circular shift on a set of bits on the right.

NOT( I ) - logical complement on the bits.

A.10 Transfer functions

TRANSFER( SOURCE, MOLD [, SIZE] ) - converts SOURCE to the type of MOLD.

A.11 Floating point manipulation functions

EXPONENT( X ) - returns the exponent part of X.

FRACTION( X ) - returns the fractional part of X.

NEAREST( X, S ) - returns the nearest different machine specific number in the direction given by the sign of S.

RRSPACING( X ) - returns the reciprocal of the relative spacing of model numbers near X.

SCALE( X ) - multiple X by its base to power I.

SET_EXPONENT( X, I ) - sets the expontnt part of X to be I.

SPACING( X ) - returns the absolute spacing of model numbers near X.

A.12 Vector and matrix functions

DOT_PRODUCT( VECTOR_A, VECTOR_B ) - returns the dot product of two vectors (rank one arrays).

MATMUL( MATRIX_A, MATRIX_B ) - returns the product of two matricies.

A.13 Array reduction functions

ALL( MASK [, DIM] ) - returns .TRUE. if all elements of MASK are .TRUE.

ANY( MASK [, DIM] ) - returns .TRUE. if any elements of MASK are .TRUE.

COUNT( MASK [, DIM] ) - returns the number of elements of MASK that are .TRUE.

MAXVAL( ARRAY [, DIM] [,MASK] ) - returns the value of the maximum array element.

MINVAL( ARRAY [, DIM] [,MASK] ) - returns the value of the minimum array element.

PRODUCT( ARRAY [, DIM] [, MASK] ) - returns the product of array elements

SUM( ARRAY [, DIM] [, MASK] ) - returns the sum of array elements.

A.14 Array enquiry functions

ALLOCATED( ARRAY ) - returns .TRUE. if ARRAY is allocated.

LBOUND( ARRAY [, DIM] ) - returns the lower bounds of the array.

SHAPE( SOURCE ) - returns the array (or scalar) shape.

SIZE( ARRAY [, DIM] ) - returns the total number of elements in an array.

UBOUND( ARRAY [, DIM] ) - returns the upper bounds of the array.

A.15 Array constructor functions

MERGE( TSOURCE, FSOURCE, MASK ) - returns value(s) of TSOURCE when MASK is .TRUE. and FSOURCE otherwise.

PACK( ARRAY, MASK [, VECTOR] ) - pack elements of ARRAY corresponding to true elements of MASK into a rank one result

SPREAD( SOURCE, DIM, NCOPIES ) - returns an array of rank one greater than SOURCE containing NCOPIES of SOURCE.

UNPACK( VECTOR, MASK, FIELD ) - unpack elements of VECTOR corresponding to true elements of MASK.

A.16 Array reshape and manipulation functions

CSHIFT( ARRAY, SHIFT [, DIM] ) - performs a circular shift.

EOSHIFT( ARRAY, SHIFT [, BOUNDARY] [, DIM] ) - performs an end-off shift.

MAXLOC( ARRAY [, MASK] ) - returns the location of the maximum element.

MINLOC( ARRAY [, MASK] ) - returns the location of the minimum element.

RESHAPE( SOURCE, SHAPE [, PAD] [, ORDER] ) - rehapes SOURCE to shape SHAPE

TRANSPOSE( MATRIX ) - transpose a matrix (rank two array).

A.17 Pointer association status enquiry functions

ASSOCIATED( POINTER [, TARGET] ) - returns .TRUE. if POINTER is associated.

A.18 Intrinsic subroutines

DATE_AND_TIME( [DATE] [, TIME] [, ZONE] [, VALUES] ) - real time clock reading date and time.


RANDOM_NUMBER( HARVEST ) - random number in the range 0-1 (inclusive).

RANDOM_SEED( [SIZE] [, PUT] [, GET] ) - initialise or reset the random number generator.

SYSTEM_CLOCK( [COUNT] [, COUNT_RATE] [, COUNT_MAX] ) - integer data from the real time clock.

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